In many of the reviews I use ‘…’ where I have removed any personal information which the client used in the reading review. Including cases where they are confirming that I picked up on something in their reading that is true (but private!). If I didn’t get explicit permission to use someone’s name I left that information out.

Celtic Cross. PDF 5+ pages.

“I was very drawn to The Celtic Storyteller on Instagram I followed The Celtic Storyteller and always like her post.  I have not had a reading for 10 years and I felt I needed some guidance as I was feeling very stuck in my work and my life.  My reading was very in-depth and she picked up on so much that was going on in my life. I loved the fact that it was all in writing and a youtube video of all the cards that were chosen. I had to read through a few times as there was a lot to take in but every thing made so much sense. I now have more clarity in what I am meant to be doing.  Thank you so much for all the time and energy you put into the reading.  I would highly recommend The Celtic Storyteller for a reading.” Mary Redmond Hertfordshire.

Energy Reading.  PDF 3 pages.

“You completely answered my question.  You completely gave me the information and insight needed to take action and move forward.  I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed the style of your reading. It was really high quality and well done. I could tell you really took the time to tailor this reading for me. So, I really appreciate that.  Honestly, I’d say that there was absolutely nothing that didn’t ring true. It was a really good Tarot reading.   It was also laid out really well and flowed nicely. A very high-quality reading.  I felt that you really channelled the energy surrounding me and interpreted the messages of the cards beautifully.  The reading gave me a lot of insight into my situation, was extremely helpful to me and provided a lot of value! I would absolutely recommend you as a Tarot Reader to others!” Female, England.

Business Reading.  Video:  28 minutes.

“You completely answered my question. And I’d like you to know that … I’m glad you connected with my energy and read tarot with insight. You completely gave me the information and insight I needed … I appreciate that you asked tarot many question that I wanted to ask! And your reading empowered me to move forward. The reading gave me a lot of insight into my situation, was extremely helpful to me and provided a lot of value! I would absolutely recommend you as a Tarot Reader to others!” Female, Tokyo.

Love Reading.  PDF:  3 Pages.

“You completely answered my question.  I was thrilled with the whole reading. What a lovely vibe I got reading that and I can only hope every word stays true! I couldn’t be happier. Just what I needed.  The reading gave me a lot of insight into my situation, was extremely helpful to me and provided a lot of value! I would absolutely recommend you as a Tarot Reader to others!” Female, UK.

Love Reading.  PDF:  3 Pages.

“I want to thank my reader for answering every single one of my questions (including the one that I asked about the time validation of a tarot reading). I have nothing to complain about.  I liked the positivity of the reading, not only because the cards were positive but because my reader gave me very kind and peaceful vibes from the start. Also, it was pretty well organised which helped me understand it in a better way. I want to thank her for giving me such an interesting and insightful reading!  The reading gave me a lot of insight into my situation, was extremely helpful to me and provided a lot of value! I would absolutely recommend you as a Tarot Reader to others!” Female, Greece.

Love Reading.  Video: 15 minutes. 

“You completely answered my question…The reading gave me a good insight into my situation and was very helpful to me. I would absolutely recommend you as a Tarot Reader to others!” Male, USA.