Tarot for Inspiration,Writing,YouTube: Tarot Readings


A Tarot Card to Boost Your Ideas and A Tarot Card for You

Hi There! 

I am running a mini series which you can find on YouTube, where I draw a couple of Tarot Cards daily for inspiration to help you with NaNoWriMo.  As a writer and a Tarot Card reader and I wanted to share the inspirational power of tarot cards with those of you looking for a little creative boost during this month to help you with the NaNoWriMo challenge.

I draw one card for your character or plot.  I will explain its meaning and any story I see in the card and you can decide if this will be useful to you and also look at the image yourself and let your mind wonder and see if it ignites any ideas for your story.

I draw one card for you which might serve as advice, inspiration or help with your own personal writing journey.

Lastly I will draw an oracle card as a cheery me up or feel good card.

Check out my Book a Reading page if you want me to do a private Tarot reading for you or your book’s characters!

Click on the picture below if you would like to view this PlayList in YouTube.

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