Hi there!
Welcome to HOW I GET PUBLISHED IN 2020 – The Submissions! Click on the picture below if you would like to view this video in YouTube.

In this video I give you lots of information on the submissions process. So if you are wondering where and how to started on the road to submitting a book to publishers then this is for you.
*I include Tips on finding publishers and understanding submissions
*I point you to lots of resources online to save you time
*I give you 10 tips on writing and getting published
Here are the resources I reference in this video.
The Irish Writers Centre for courses, seminars and information and support for writers: http://www.irishwriterscentre.ie
Writing.ie, where I found the most comprehensive lists of Irish publishers. https://www.writing.ie/resources/irish-publishers/
Helen Redfern, writer. For content on writing, planning and creativity. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDOzPCtlrFEEhyOUMlMh7Tw
Genre List: https://www.goodreads.com/genres
Information about the imprints of the Big 5 publishers:
(Top 5 trade book publishers in the United States: Hachette Book Group, HarperCollins, Macmillan Publishers, Penguin Random House, Simon and Schuster)
Strauss Consultants: http://straussconsultants.com/five-imprints-of-big-five-publishers-that-accept-unsolicited-submissions/
Authors Publish: https://www.authorspublish.com/10-imprints-of-big-five-publishers-open-to-direct-submissions/
Tor: https://www.tor.com/2016/10/20/one-handy-chart-of-the-big-5-book-publishers-and-their-imprints/
Articles on writing a Cover Letter and Writing a Synopsis:
Manuscript Appraisal Agency.com – Kit Carstairs: https://manuscriptagency.com.au/writing-a-cover-letter/
I am not affiliated with any of the above.
I do however have an affiliate link for Scrivener, the writing software I use created by Literature & Latte and would highly recommend. I will be doing some HOW TO videos for Scrivener in the future so keep an eye out on my channel for these!
You can follow me on Instagram where I post about my writing journey on my story and sometimes in my feed.